Underground construction requires solid skills and attitude
Every project is unique, and therefore, innovation and open-mindedness are needed. We dare to do things in a new way, better and more efficiently.
Solar parks
Special expertise in foundation works for solar parks and power plants
When you need a competent partner in the foundations of solar parks and solar power plants, contact us!
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Bedrock construction
Bedrock construction services with solid professional skills
We carry out groutings, rock tunnel cladding structures, rock nettings, shotcrete, and drilling and bolting for all sites.
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Excavation work
Long-term mining know-how
We handle reinforcements, tunnel and production excavations, and other excavations in mines and infrastructure construction sites.
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Wind turbine foundation works
We strengthen the rock foundation to last
We carry out drilling, grouting, anchoring, and tension work related to the foundations of the wind turbine.
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Shotcrete drainage systems
Shotcrete drainage systems from manufacturing to installation
We offer a comprehensive service, including manufacturing, transporting, and installing shotcrete drainage systems.
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Other work
Courageous and innovative work
We are ready to take on versatile jobs, from wedge mining to concreting work and cable pulling, and to innovate solutions that best serve the customer's needs.
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All work from excavation to reinforcement
You can efficiently and reliably order all excavation and reinforcement work from us at once. As a leading contractor, we can work comprehensively with our equipment and labor force. We look for the best solutions for each project and work around the clock if necessary. We build new and renovate old.

Professional competence with the experience of hundreds of projects
Turnover y. 2022
Completed projects
Number one in excavation and reinforcement work
We want to build more functional infrastructure to meet the ever-changing needs of urbanization and society. We adapt to the requirements of each site and do our work on schedule according to the quality goals.

Our references
Sewer tunnel excavation in central Helsinki
Read referenceConstructions of a solar farm in Kalanti
Jiitee Työt participates in the construction of a solar farm in…
Read referenceNordkalk Oy, Parainen mine
The Parainten mine, owned by Nordkalk Oy, excavates limestone in an…
Read referencePosiva waste facility’s capsule shaft
In Finland, the final disposal of nuclear waste refers to the…
Read referenceJIITEEn porukka on työmaaolosuhteissa motivoituneita ja he hoitavat työnsä ammattitaidolla alusta loppuun työturvallisuutta noudattaen.
Aki Bergman
Työpäällikkö, Suvic Oy
JIITEE Töillä on innovatiivisia ajatuksia, he joustavat riittävästi ja ovat avoimia vuoropuhelulle. Minulle ei jäänyt ollenkaan huono maku heidän tekemistään hommista.
Kyösti Huttu
General Superintendent, Agnico Eagle Finland Oy
Yhteistyö JIITEE Töiden kanssa toimi todella hyvin, kaikki sujui ja porukka oli hyvä. He huolehtivat työturvallisuudesta ja tekivät sen mitä lupasivat sovitussa ajassa.
Jarno Säippä
Projektipäällikkö, Sitowise Oy
We are ready for action!

Our motivated employees are the key to success.
We value our employees. Everyone has an equal opportunity to progress and succeed in their career and appears as highly motivated, ambitious, and committed workers. Our workers come to the site to work, not to lean on shovels.
Do you want to join our team?
Contact us
Leave us a request for a quote and your contact information along with an informal message using the form below, and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible