Rock bolting

Cost-effective concrete repair lengthens the lifetime of structures

Damage to concrete structures, such as cracks, splits or other deterioration, can reduce the durability and load-bearing capacity of the structure over time. Concrete repair can improve the longevity and safety of structures. It gives the structure a longer life at a low cost, as the damaged structure does not need to be demolished and rebuilt.

We carry out concrete repair in a wide range of applications, including:

  • parking garages
  • apartment buildings
  • sewer tunnels
  • subway and train tunnels

We mainly work on large projects where the quality and durability of the repairs are key. Our skilled and innovative team can handle even the most demanding projects.


Over a decade of experience in concrete repair

Depending on the site and the damage, we use a variety of techniques to repair concrete. For example, concrete chipping is a method of removing damaged material with a hammer drill. After chipping, the treated area is filled to make the structure durable and safe.

In new buildings, cracks may appear in structures due to rapid drying of the concrete. These can be repaired by concrete injection, which is a quick and cost-effective way to maintain the integrity of the structure.

With over a decade of experience in concrete repair, you can rely on us for first-class results no matter how demanding the project. Among other projects, we have renovated a section of a wastewater tunnel for the joint municipal water board of Central Uusimaa. The tunnel remained in use throughout the repairs—an achievement that was the first of its kind in Finland. 

With highly skilled staff, our customers can be confident that projects will be handled with care and professionalism, and at a reasonable cost. 

Contact us

Leave us a request for a quote and your contact information along with an informal message using the form below, and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible